Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Political World Leaders of World War II Research Paper

Political World Leaders of World War II - Research Paper Example The paper tells that both leaders have left significant different memories, one of which is the unforgettable holocaust initiated by Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and a successful giant leap of economic redemption of Singapore from a Third World country to become another Asian Tiger country within the three decades of Lee Kuan Yew’s rule. Each leader delivered significant changes that they now deserve to be called great icons in the history of world leaders. Adolf Hitler who was the reason for the outbreak of World War II and Lee Kuan Yew who transformed Singapore from a Third World country to another Asian Tiger country, have been chosen and juxtaposed to learn the similarities and contrasts of their qualities and styles as leaders as well as how their reigns brought impact to the world.   Credited to Hitler’s achievements were as follows: â€Å"awarded the Iron Cross, First Class in December 1914†; â€Å"annexation of Austria and Sudetenland†; wrote the book â⠂¬ËœMein Kampf’ where it was an anti-Semitic, anti-Communist diatribe outlining his strategy for remaking Germany and becoming a conquering power throughout Europe†. â€Å"By 1938 Hitler had made Germany the most powerful and feared country in Europe (and perhaps in the world)†. â€Å"Majority of the German people supported him because they saw during his early leadership to his credit how unemployment virtually disappeared, the rising prosperity of the masses, the new social institutions and the increase of German prestige in the 1930’s.’s. All these achievements of Hitler were unparalleled in the histories of other modern totalitarian dictatorship† (Hitler, A. 2011). On the other hand, achievements credited to Yew include: redemption of Singapore from a Third World Country to become an Asian Tiger country now aligned with other rich Asian countries like Japan, Hongkong, and Taiwan. Singapore is now an envy of many neighboring Asian countrie s. Of Lee Kuan Yew’s outstanding achievements in redeeming Singapore, eradication of corruption was best recognized and envied by many ASEAN nations because ‘Corruption’ has alwaysbeen considered a systemic problem commonly found and associated with Third World nations (underdeveloped countries) including most Asian countries. Other Yew’s achievements include the substantial â€Å"increase in the living standards (Loh,K. 2011)† in this country: â€Å"As Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew presided over an exponential increase in Singapore's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from US$704 million in 1960 to US$38 billion in 1990. This figure currently stands at US$222 billion, or over 300 times its level in 1960. Adjusting for cost of living differences, Singapore's GDP per capita was ranked 3rd

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